Our Lenten Journey

If you have been in the hallways of St. Sylvester recently, you have probably noticed the second grade "Lenten Journey" outside of our classroom. Each day of Lent is marked with a stone in order to make a pathway to the Three Days, and eventually Easter. As you can see there is a purple cross on each Sunday during Lent. Beside each of the purple crosses you will also notice a baggie. Each week on Monday, the second graders answer a prompt or complete a sentence to show what they are doing to prepare themselves for Easter. One example is " For Lent, I am giving up..." Another reads, " One kind thing I will do for someone else during Lent is..." In this way, the second graders are more easily able to fulfill their promises of fasting, prayer and almsgiving during the Lenten season. Ask your son or daughter about how they finished the above sentences and what the other Sunday sentences say on our Lenten journey.

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