Grapefruit Tasting

This week the second grade read Poppleton and the Grapefruit by Cynthia Rylant. In this story, Poppleton eats grapefruit, even though he hates it, because he hears on the television that it makes you live longer. His "lips turn outside -in" and his face turns green upon eating the grapefruit. Ask your son or daughter how the story ends and what Poppleton learns.

In order to put ourselves in the character's shoes, each second grader did a taste test with grapefruit today. I did not see any outside-in lips or green faces, but I did see a few scrunched up from the sour taste.
As you can see, some students did in fact enjoy the grapefruit, but others said they felt just like Poppleton. Ask you son or daughter how they felt about their grapefruit taste test!

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