The students in second grade will be completing a project about different Native American groups during this unit of study in social studies. I have sent home with each child a fact sheet about their specific tribe. This is just a starting point, and more research is definitely recommended. Please read over the information with your son or daughter about their group. Because every child received a different Native American group, they need to become the expert of that group in order to teach their classmates all about them. The creative project will be that each student must make a model of the type of shelter their Native American group lived in. Along with this, they will give an oral presentation relaying three interesting facts about their group. Lastly, the students will be asked to point out, on a map of the United States, where their tribe lived. All of this work is due to school on Thursday, March 29th. I hope that every family has a good time completing this project and learns a lot about such an important group in our country's rich history.