The second grade's dinosaur science project was given out today. It is due back on Tuesday, December 13th. Each student was given one dinosaur to read about and research. There are two physical things due on December 13th. First, each student should bring a model representing their dinosaur. This model can be sculpted, painted, or drawn, but should not be just printed off of the computer. The second thing they will need to present is a piece of yarn or string that is the length of their dinosaur.
Every student will have time that week to present their dinosaur to their classmates. During this presentation, they should be able to pronounce their dinosaur's name. Lastly, they will be asked to describe what their dinosaur looked like and also tell three interesting facts about their dinosaur. At the end of the oral presentation, their classmates will have time to ask any questions they have about the dinosaur. Please help your child prepare for this longterm project at home.
Dinosaur Project Due: Tuesday December 13th