2011 Christmas Concert
Dinosaur Science Project

The second grade's dinosaur science project was given out today. It is due back on Tuesday, December 13th. Each student was given one dinosaur to read about and research. There are two physical things due on December 13th. First, each student should bring a model representing their dinosaur. This model can be sculpted, painted, or drawn, but should not be just printed off of the computer. The second thing they will need to present is a piece of yarn or string that is the length of their dinosaur.
iPad Centers
Every Thursday the second grade class works in five centers around the classroom. Centers are small group areas in which each student works on a different skill. A good example of centers that we use are: an individual writing center at desks, listening to books on tape, and reading in a small group with a teacher. For the past few Thursdays, the second graders have been using a new, very exciting center - an iPad center!! Each child gets a chance to work with a partner on building words or connecting sounds to letters. I have been very impressed with how quickly the students in this classroom have learned to use the iPads appropriately and carefully. Ask your son or daughter which iPad app they worked on this week in centers!
Hispanic Heritage Month!!
Author Study: Arnold Lobel
The second grade class just wrapped up their first science unit which focused on plants. A few weeks ago, we went outside and everyone planted soaked lima bean seeds. Three seeds were planted in each cup and then watered and left in the windowsill. As we discussed plant parts, how seeds are scattered, and how people use plants, we observed the changes our own plants undertook. At one point, we noticed all of the plants were leaning towards the window. Ask your son or daughter about why that was happening and what happened when we turned them around.
Cubs Game!
Grapefruit Tasting
Welcome to Second Grade!
Welcome to the second grade blog! I have included some pictures of important things in our classroom. Ask your son or daughter to let you know more about these specific areas - they should know them well by now! Thank you to all of the parents who attended Back to School Night this evening! Remember that your attendance earned your child a free dress down day for this Friday, September 2nd! I look forward to communicating with you often throughout the 2011-2012 school year!
Science Fair 2011
Yesterday the second grade students went to visit the junior high students' science projects. Today, the second grade's buddy class, seventh grade, came to visit our projects. Each student was judged by their seventh grade buddy on both their oral presentation and their written work. Thank you for helping your child completed this project at home. I will send home their rain gauge and wind socks today so that you can continue "weather watching" at home!
Science Fair
Next week the second grade class will partake in the school’s annual science fair. The topic that they will be investigating is the weather. Each student has constructed a windsock, a rain gauge, and a cloud chart in school. Today these instruments along with a thermometer were sent home. You will also find a few different “weather watching” charts in your son or daughter’s folder. The first days have been completed on these charts here in school. Over the next four days, each student must use the weather tools sent home (the cloud chart, wind sock, rain gauge, and thermometer) to measure and record the weather. One chart records wind direction and strength, another cloud cover, and the last is for both precipitation and air temperature. Please assist your son or daughter in completing each of these charts over the next four days. On Tuesday, May 10th, all of the student’s work should be returned to school. The paperwork that they have completed can be put into a folder or simply stapled together when it is finished. I would also like the students to bring back to school their measurement tools to be displayed at the science fair along with the charts. If you have questions, please contact me at school.
Native American Shelters
Today the last of the second grade students presented their projects on different Native American shelters and their cultures. Everyone did such a wonderful job and I have loved getting to see how creative their projects are and listening to all of the interesting facts they learned. Thank you for all the help with these projects at home and don't forget to stop by the Open House this Sunday April 3rd to see them on display!