Today was a busy day for the second grade class here at St. Sylvester School. We began the morning by leading the 8:30 Mass. The second graders have become much better at participating by singing and responding as well as listening during Mass. Please remember that this Sunday is Palm Sunday, so go get your palm branches to honor the last Sunday of Lent and the beginning of Holy Week.
Soon after returning from Mass, we headed down stairs with the rest of grades one through eight to present our discovery fair projects. Every second grade student contributed to both the "Our Solar System" and "Weather Watching" projects in some way. Then, the class was split into two groups to present to the other grades walking around. They were also visited by Mr. Bennett and the science fair judge. Ask your son or daughter which part of the project they were the expert on. Later, we were able to walk around and see the rest of the school's awesome projects. Thanks to the second grade for all of their hard work!
Third quarter report cards went home today. Be sure to look them over and discuss them with your child. Please sign them and send them back next week. Once I note that you have seen them, I will send the copy back home with your child.